About Jane

Jane Kane (Photo Credit: AmiSanyal.com)
After many years of working as a professional artist, alongside exploration and experiences in alternative therapies, Jane trained as an art psychotherapist at the BC School of Art Therapy in Victoria, BC, Canada. Her theory base is eclectic, though mainly transpersonal, incorporating mindfulness, self regulation, resiliency, post traumatic growth and self compassion in her work. She believes that each individual has a unique life path and at different times, specific tools can be useful in their growth. Her clients have come from many cultures and walks of life, and have included families, high risk situations, individuals and groups.
For over 25 years, Jane has worked full time in private practice and for local agencies (most recently 14 years at Family Services of the North Shore). Her clients have come from many cultures and walks of life, and have included families, high risk situations, individuals and groups.

June 6, 2017 – Family Services North Shore award in recognition of dedication and exceptional work
She has primarily been involved in family therapy with clients who are at risk of losing their children into care, as well as leading separate groups for abusive men, and another for women with a history of trauma. Lifelong learning is ongoing and has integrated relevant trainings throughout her career, to enable her to offer clients current resources and opportunities for positive change. Jane is a licensed practitioner of Triple P parenting program, as highlighted in CBC’s Doc Zone.
She has been a registered professional member of the BC Art Therapy Association (BCATR) for 20 years, the Canadian Art Therapy Association (RCAT) and an international professional member of the American Art Therapy Association. She has served as President of the BC Art Therapy Association, as well as holding their Registration Committee Chair position. Obtaining registration as an art therapist is a rigorous standard of supervised internship and practice, including 1000 direct client hours completed after post graduate Masters level practicums.
Jane facilitates peer consultation and supervision groups as well as individual supervision sessions, upon request. Learning from an experienced professional can breathe new life into your work. Her expertise is in art therapy and she was an artist first, so has a vast toolbox of technique. As well her work has involved high risk populations and Family Preservation and Reunification. She has been called the Queen of Resources by colleagues. Self care is an essential element in the sessions. It is important to choose appropriate support for yourself, based on your current needs and future goals. If you have unanswered questions about your work with clients, supervision is an appropriate avenue to address these safely. Ethical considerations and up to date releases will be put into place while working together.